Saturday, April 18, 2015

Updates 2015-04-18, 19, 20, 24

2015-04-18: I started the hike today (Saturday, Apr 18th). Jaya dropped me off at the beginning of Stevens Creek Trail in Mountain View. She also walked with me for the first 15 minutes... and it was evident in that time that lugging my computer was a mistake. I ditched the computer and reduced the weight in my backpack. Without my laptop, it is going to be tough to write a decent blog complete with pictures as promised.

This is just a brief update to let my friends know that all is well, I am in one piece after today's session. My feet is killing me... I may yet have to improvise on this plan but for now, I am continuing tomorrow as planned. I probably will tweak the route to not backtrack nearly 5 miles to Dumbarton.

A proper blog of Day 1 will come forth in the future.

22+ miles today, in about 8 1/4 hours that included a 45 minute break.

Thanks to Aloft for this computer in their business center as well as the pricey but perfectly chilled Sam Adams!

2015-04-19: Day 2 accomplished! 45 miles in 2 days!! In San Leandro now. 23+ miles, in 9 3/4 hours that included about 90 minutes break. Yes, my feet is killing me; but I weirdly feel better in certain aspects, worse in other. Day 3 to Oakland should go on as planned, but I have decided to take a break after that.

2015-04-20: Day 3 completed as planned, ending the day at Jack London Square in Oakland. 19 miles in 8 1/4 hours with about an hours break. I am home now, a day or two of resting the feet and healing the blisters. But tomorrow, the blog will be up with details of the first three days and plenty of pictures!

2015-04-24: I will be resuming the walkabout in San Francisco tomorrow morning. Rain or shine. And am intending to do 3 days again, with stops at Brisbane, San Mateo and finishing by FB on Monday. I will do brief updates in this post like before and follow it up with detailed blogs later.


  1. Suresh! I'm so eager to follow you on this adventure. I think you'll be well due for a pedicure by the time it's over!

    What kind of shoes do you have? How much does your pack weigh? Do you have planned destinations for food? I'm so interested!

  2. Raman - I am using my Asics running shoes (Gel Venture 4) with Aetrex Lynco Ortho inserts (recommended by my podiatrist). I also use Trail Toes - an amazing anti-friction cream; it is a life saver. Food is a personal preference. Key consideration should be figuring out where you will be around lunch time - if it is in the out of nowhere, better be prepared. Refer to my own version of Lembas bread in Day 1 blog.
